I’m a Scientist USA 2017 starts off with a Genomics Zone on March 6th. For two weeks, scientists from across the USA will be answering students’ questions and taking part in live chats, while they compete for the prize of $500 to spend on their own engagement project.
Between March 6 and 17, school students from 8 different states will put the scientists through their paces in fast-paced live chats and probing questions on everything from how genomics can help cure sick children, how it can help us understand the brain, how it might help treat cancer to how plants respond to stress.
It’s been really difficult choosing our competitors as there are so many amazing researchers working in genomics, but we’ve got scientists who are working in a range of really exciting fields taking part and we think it’s going to lead to some fantastic conversations. We really hope all the other scientists who applied will be able to take part in future events.
So lets’ introduce the scientists taking part…
Xueyuan Jiang
“I study how a gene evolves after it duplicates itself.”
“I’m learning about gene function from gene expression data.”
“I study what the brain looks like when you’re thinking hard and remembering things.”
“I code to cure cancer!”
“I study how our experiences and genetics work together to shape our brain to make us who we are.”
For the latest news and updates on the event, head over to our website www.imacientist.us, or follow @ImascientistUS on Twitter.
The 2017 Genomics Zone is funded by Genentech and Human Longevity, Inc.
I’m a Scientist USA is delivered by Keep on Questioning. Keep on Questioning is a project of the Center for Transformative Action (CTA). The Center for Transformative Action is an independent 501(c)3 educational non-profit organization affiliated with Cornell University.